NR Greenwood Constructions Pvt Ltd
NR Greenwood Constructions Pvt Ltd
Identity creation. Stationery. Corporate brochure. Website. All outdoor creative collaterals
NR Greenwood is a prominent property developer in Bangalore. The brand is all about living within tranquil environments. Their properties are famous for their projects that are drawn around areas that have a natural green habitat. This aspect needed to be the focus of their branding
With a focused brief in hand, we created the identity, which clearly depicted the concept of “living within nature”. The colours are shades of natural green and the font is classic and traditional, inviting trust as a consequence. The brochure is lively and elegant with coordinated bursts of colour, maintaining a uniform harmony of content. Greenery is the prime focus. The website and the outdoor creative collaterals follow on the lines of the brochure. The website is primarily white to create an aura of spacious comfort. The website is a series of “snapshots” of how it would be like to live in one of NR Greenwood’s properties. The navigation is very simple and easy to understand
The journey that started with us was to re-build their company from a BRAND perspective where we created a structure and roadmap of taking their activities forward so that it enhanced their brand as they went along. While they did good quality work, it was never projected in the right fashion. A classic case of having better output, but no one knew about it because they were not a BRAND. With this exercise they created an identity, built a good brand recall, reworked on all their creative collaterals in a splendid manner and in no time the recognition was far better and they found a steady flow of continuous engagement to the customers in a focussed manner. The customers were getting used to dealing with a Brand and not an unknown company like before